Writeup is a text markup format that translates to HTML5. It is similar to Markdown in spirit, but not equivalent. Some differences:
The project is hosted at https://github.com/gwk/writeup, with documentation at https://gwk.github.io/writeup.
All of the source code and documentation is dedicated to the public domain under CC0: https://creativecommons.org/.publicdomain/zero/1.0/.
Writeup can take 0, 1 or 2 arguments, defaulting to stdout
and stdin
as follows:
$ writeup <in >out
$ writeup file.wu > out
$ writeup file.wu file.html
Here is the builtin help documentation:
usage: writeup [-h] [-deps] [-css CSS [CSS ...]] [-no-css] [-no-js] [-bare]
[-section SECTION] [-dbg]
[src_path] [dst_path]
Converts .wu files to html.
positional arguments:
src_path Input .wu source path; defaults to <stdin>.
dst_path Output path: defaults to <stdout>.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-deps Print external file dependencies of the input, one per
line. Does not output HTML.
-css CSS [CSS ...] paths to CSS.
-no-css Omit default CSS.
-no-js Omit default Javascript.
-bare Omit the top-level HTML document structure.
-section SECTION Emit only the specified section.
-dbg print debug info.
Writeup documents consist of:
writeup v0
.Optional consecutive copyright/license lines at the beginning of the document, followed by a blank line. Recognized prefixes are:
Dedicated to the public domain
(hash) characters.*
(dash) character.|
(pipe / vertical-bar) character.>
(greater-than) character.These are translated as follows:
A header line denotes a section with a header whose numerical level is indicated by the number of hash symbols.
elements, containing the appropriate <h1>
through <h6>
header elements.h6
tags, the maximum supported by HTML5.There is also support for inline markup:
Inline code is quoted with backticks like so: `…`
and \\
A generic span syntax also exists: <tag: …>
, where the tag can be one of the following:
: bold text: <b: bold text>
→ bold text.embed
: embed content from an external file.
, http
, https
, mailto
all specify a link:
→ https://github.com/gwk/writeup<https://github.com/gwk/writeup writeup>
→ writeuplink
, then the link is a relative link and is treated by Muck as a project dependency.span
: a generic HTML span with arbitrary options (syntax is a work in progress).More inline markup features need to be added!
Writeup differs from Github Flavored Markdown (GFD) substantially. Here are some of the more obvious points:
blocks in the document; Markdown has a flat structure.Writeup does not support:
, bold with **
, both with _
, or strikethrough with ~~
.Some other features that have not yet been implemented:
GitHub supports several markup formats for project readmes, via https://github.com/github/markup; Writeup is not yet one of them. However
All Writeup documents require a version line at the beginning of the document, like this:
writeup v0
Writeup is currently experimental, and the only version number supported is 0. Once the format is reasonably stable, then it will be promoted to v1. From then on, if the format changes, implementations should either recognize and respect or else reject older documents.
Text snippets submitted to a program using Writeup as a library can omit the version number; it is then the responsibility of the program to track the format version as necessary.
If you start using Writeup seriously please let me know and I will bump the version number to 1.
Writeup HTML contains Javascript that facilitates paging across primary and secondary sections using the left and right arrow keys.
Writeup HTML files contain CSS and Javascript for both normal and presentation modes. Press p
in the browser to toggle between modes. Presentation mode simply adds styling to the primary and secondary sections to render them at the full window height; in conjunction with the paging mechanism this lets you use Writeup documents as simple slide decks.
Writeup is currently implemented as a Python 3.6 script, depending only on the standard library.
Sections and text:
# Header 1
line 1
* A
* B
* B1
* B2
* C
## Header 2
line 2
Line 3
Header 1
line 1
- A
- B1
- B2
- C
Header 2
line 2
Line 3
By George King.